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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!





11:00 PM – 04:00 AM


11:00 PM – 04:00 AM


11:00 PM – 04:00 AM


11:00 PM – 04:00 AM

Minimum Age: 18


Bling is a nightclub situated in the heart of Dubai and is renowned for its extravagant style and unique experience. The venue itself oozes luxury, with a sleek black and gold décor, high-end furnishings, and cutting-edge technology that makes it one of the most modern nightclubs in the city.

The dress code at Bling is luxurious; think sequins, fur coats, diamond jewelry and designer heels. The club hosts regular events as well as themed nights for special occasions such as New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day. Over the years, many influential people have been spotted here including film stars, musicians and royalty from around the world.

The atmosphere at Bling is electric; DJs spin a mix of hip-hop, R&B, EDM and other genres to keep everyone on their feet all night long. A variety of performers come to entertain guests throughout the evening – from fire breathers to acrobats – ensuring there’s never a dull moment. Lights are constantly changing colour to create an immersive environment that takes you away from reality into an alternate world where no inhibitions exist.

A taste of unique culture can also be found within the walls of this nightclub; it has hosted many famous international acts over the years including Grammy award-winning artists such as Bruno Mars and Rihanna. With some of the biggest names in music gracing its stage every year, it’s no wonder why Bling has become one of Dubai’s go-to nightlife destinations for partygoers from all over the globe.

The history behind Bling stretches back almost two decades; it first opened its doors in 2002 with just 500 square meters to offer guests. Over time it has grown into an expansive 10 000 square meter complex that attracts more than 5000 visitors every week! It was also recently awarded ‘Best Nightclub in Middle East 2017’ by Business Insider Magazine which cemented its place among Dubai’s must-visit spots.

Whether you are looking to let loose or take in some spectacular entertainment – Bling has something for everyone! Boasting an unforgettable experience filled with high energy tunes, fancy attire and electrifying visuals – there really is no better place to be seen in Dubai on a Saturday night!

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